Jun 12, 2008

New Design!

Hi All,

I hope you guys like the new theme .There has been some changes ,actually,many of them.

  • The twitter widget is back(Yippee! to micro blogging ).


  • My blog has got a new favicon(fav-eye-con).If you don't know what this this ,this is the icon which appears next to my blog name in my tab(in firefox).The icon is a weird looking picture of mine(its my blog isn't it!).

                                   Malaysia - Singapore Trip May 2008 (315)

  • The labels which was boring in the initial design is now replaced by the label/tag cloud.It looks basically like a cloud(duh!) of words with the label which occurs in many posts getting bigger and darker(here my Reviews Tag would be the biggest because I have many Review posts).


  • A Quick Link Widget is also added.I have added this for a experimental purpose so it might or might not end up in my blog.


Anyway finally but not the least my theme turns back to black ,my favorite color.

If you guys feel that somewhere the blog or the blog design sucks(something has got to!) ,feel free to post your comments.