May 5, 2007

SandCrap+AlienCrap+SpiderMan2 = SpiderCrap 3

Watched Spiderman 3.........the first installment was really good...the second one was by the thoery of extrapolating the third one is bad!!!! the fallacy was to introduce too many had a tad too many!!!!The villans had no substantial roles ... just animated sequences!!!!
Sentimental scenes and romantic scenes in great movies are often felt and never noticed...thats the problem..... you know a movie is srewed when it starts getting all mushy and boring....thats exactly what happens in the movie...
Pluses (yes there are).....Action sequences(fx is top notch).....Comedy Scenes....some were really good...
From hearsay i think this the the last of the Series..hopefully...toby mcguire was good ....but Kirsten Dunst looks like his Aunt and his aunt looks like his Grandmom.....

If you are planning to watch this movie...dont wear your thinking cap and go...actually dont go with any sense of expectation...just go may like it!!!!