Feb 7, 2008

Funny Takes!!!

well.....had gone to buy some buns for home.....and this was the notice put in that shop....

- 'The prices of the raw materials have gone up BECAUSE we have increased the rates of the items in the bakery'

well the mistake was found and duly an 'as' was added and the 'because' was removed .....well i dont mean to offend anyone but i did not know that bakers could change the economy of the market.... :)


Hit the link to see the best(weird) wanted photo ever......

Feb 5, 2008

in tech news....

could google be buying yahoo and monopolize the internet...????

read the article at Google Operating System ???

whats more cooler is the kandasamy picture in the post.....

Feb 4, 2008

i just realized....

that i despise eating non-veg and i have decided to go GREEN!!!!